Enlightened solutions within your grasp
An accounting definition of “asset” is a tangible or intangible thing, person or quality that which is owned and of value. Well, the most important asset of value that I want to "own" is the best version of my health and fitness. Sedentary lifestyles inherent in many careers like accounting, working long hours at a desk can contribute to a number of health issues over time. That's why I’ve been a lifelong advocate for cycling as a great way to maintain fitness. Each year I cycle more than 3,000 miles and add running and gym strength training routines. Combining these three activities, each with its own specific benefits, provides for a balanced, year-round fitness routine that works great for me. I started cycling at an early age; was racing during my twenties in the 1980's; and have now been cycling for more than 50 years. Cycling is an exhilarating way to travel in new places; to truly experience the scenic beauty and culture of a region. I especially love cycling in Europe, attending the pro cycling races and riding the same race routes on bike. Overall, cycling with its many proven and well documented health benefits is a great lifelong activity that works well as an important part of maintaining fitness - For Life!
My Other Interests as a Lifelong Cyclist